Take part in the Sirmione Photo Marathon photo challenge on Sunday 13 October 2024.
8 hours, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, to interpret four themes.
Submit photographs, one per theme, by 11:59 pm on Sunday 20 October 2024.
Iscrizioni: online entro il 6 ottobre 2024, massimo 250 iscritti.
1.500 €
500 €
A stay in Sirmione for two people (2 nights and breakfast)
250 €
12 € (online only)
Minors: Participation in the Photo Marathon is also open to minors, provided they are accompanied by an adult. The registration of minors is free if the accompanying person is already regularly enrolled in the competition. In any case, minors must, like adults, register online as required by Art. 3 of the guidelines.
Register quickly, maximum 200 participants