Custodi, a photographic book that reveals the soul of Sirmione

26 Oct 2023

Davide Greco offers us an intimate look at Sirmione through his exciting photographic project Custodi. Presented at Palazzo Callas Exhibitions on 21st October 2023, the photographic book, published by the Municipality of Sirmione, closes the first edition of the Sirmione Photo Residency.

Copertina del volume Custodi, dedicata alla prima residenza fotografica del Comune di Sirmione

With Custodi Davide Greco wanted to tell Sirmione through the faces and stories of 16 people who by choice or destiny are deeply linked to the city, committed to the protection of its historical, cultural, naturalistic and spiritual heritage. During the two weeks of artistic residency in close contact with these custodians, Greco captured their stories and their gazes through a story made of photography and words. A tribute to the beauty and fragility of Sirmione and a way for the Turin photographer to demonstrate his ability to make photography a tool to effectively describe a place already very crowded with images like Sirmione.


The authentic restitution of the soul of Sirmione in Greco’s images reciprocates the great freedom that the Sirmione Photo Residency grants to its artists, to give them the opportunity to best express their abilities.


The Sirmione Photo Residency is part of the solid path that sees Sirmione collaborate with prestigious international partners to give birth to original and important photographic exhibitions and projects: in this case the artistic direction has been entrusted to Andréa Holzherr and Ludovica Pellegatta, respectively Global Cultural Director and Partnerships Director of Magnum Photos.


The book is available at the Culture Office of the Municipality of Sirmione.

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