Block Notes Photo Contest 2024


Absolute winners



Mirko Bussola


The Jury mentions

Antonella Pallavicino


Stefania Caldera


Weekly winners


First week – Topic: ANGER



Ph. Mirko Bussola


The Jury mention

Ph. Patrizio Bussetti


See all the photos of the participants



Second week – Topic: FEAR



BNPC 2024 - Winner second week topic Fear - Antonella Pallavicino

Ph. Antonella Pallavicino


See all the photos of the participants



Third week – Topic: COURAGE



BNPC 2024 - Vincitore terza settimana tema Paura - Renato Luca Mor

Ph. Renato Luca Mor


See all the photos of the participants


Fourth week – Topic: JOY



Stefano Mani - Vincitore Tema Gioia - Block Notes 2024

Ph. Stefano Mani


See all the photos of the participants

Marathon 2023
10% Photo Marathon 2024